E-mail Newsletter
Don’t miss concerts and new music! Sign up here to join, and add your country or zip code. Facebook and Twitter won’t tell you when there’s a show near you, but I will! You’ll be contacted 1-3x per year, a little more if you’re on my regular tour route.
E-mail me: marian@mariancall.com
Twitter: Twitter.com/MarianCall
Facebook: Facebook.com/MarianCallMusic
N.B.: I ignore Facebook messages, as well as messages through Patreon or Kickstarter. Email and Twitter are the way to reach me.
• • • More Good Stuff:
Videos all over Youtube
Portraits of Marian at Flickr.com/BrianAdams
Listen for free anytime at MarianCall.Bandcamp.com
- Brian Adams Photography, Anchorage, Alaska
- Grace Virginia Kari Photography, Missoula, Montana
- Annie Bartholomew Photography, Juneau, Alaska
- Studio Valette Photography, Anchorage, Alaska
- Alaska Robotics, the media and design firm in Juneau that helps to make my official music videos and my website (and sometimes my posters)
- Quantum Mechanix, Inc., producers of envy-inducing geek toys & sponsors of Got to Fly