• Booking •
To book a show or convention, to propose a house concert, or to recommend a venue, please e-mail marian@mariancall.com. Kindly include the city/state/province in the subject line. Marian Call will not be booking shows on the road in 2020.
You can find Marian’s tech rider right here.
If you’re curious about house concerts, read up on them right here!
Whether you’re a booking agent, venue or fan, don’t hesitate to get in contact. Most concerts are fan-requested! And the more people contact me from your area, the higher it goes on the priority list!
To promote a show, both fans and media can find all the tools necessary at the Promo Materials page – press releases, photos, posters, bio, blurbs, etc. Publicity is also a snap through Facebook events, which are at http://facebook.com/mariancallmusic. Send a friend! Make some noise!