Lyrics and Liner Notes • • • • •

Welcome to the hardcorest hardcore fan page! Only amazing people read the liner notes.  Lyrics and other goodies, as requested, are available here at last.

The pages listed above contain credits, production notes, and lyrics from my three studio albums, Something Fierce, Vanilla and Got to Fly.  There’s also a lot of background on the meaning and significance of the songs. Geek out all you like – in fact I dare you.

And if you have more questions about the songs or albums, you can always see if I’ve already answered it over on my Formspring – I don’t use it much now but it is one of the best repositories online for sordid details about me and my creative process.  Read my formspring, learn who I truly am.  Or just marian@mariancall.comshoot me an email!

Lyrics & Liner Notes for Something Fierce

My biggest album project ever!  A double CD with amazing artwork by Brian Adams and Karen Luke Fildes.  The songs are very dear to me and I feel like this record was a big step up in terms of writing, production, and performance.  Thanks so much to all the Donors who made this record possible.  Click here to listen while you read!

Lyrics & Liner Notes for Got to Fly

Got to Fly is a piece of work commissioned by Quantum Mechanix, Inc., the coolest spaceship company I could hope to be associated with.  This album is friendly to all listeners, but it’s designed to warm the hearts of geeks and nerds in particular, since the subject matter is (obliquely) Firefly/Serenity and Battlestar Galactica.  This album was completed in about two months, from inception to mailing off the master, and it has some of the hallmarks of being hurried. I’m very proud of completing it in such a short time though, and proud of the songs I wrote.  Click here to listen while you read!

Lyrics & Liner Notes for Vanilla

Vanilla is my debut album, my firstborn, a labor of love that took nine months to create.  I thought this would be a side project, but within two months of its release, I understood music would be my career for quite a long time.  Click here to listen while you read!

STILL IN PROGRESS: Lyrics & Notes for Sketchbook / Songs of the Month and other singles – the unruly collection of misfits doesn’t quite have lyrics yet (though some songs do at Bandcamp).  Sketchbook is still pretty new, and has yet to be offered on CD to everybody.  The Song of the Month project is very old, and it was a lot of fun, since I got to produce so many different songs in so many different styles without having to worry about album cohesion.  I was practicing production, so the early mixes sometimes grate on the ears.  A few of the worthy ones have been/will be re-recorded.  If you want more info on these, pester me to complete this part!