Coming Soon - the new album Swears by Marian Call. Photo by Annie Bartholomew.


a new garage rock EP from Marian Call and the Guttersnipes
an angry loud little record
because certain times demand we make noise
and certain feelings are too big to sing pretty

CD’s and new T-shirts available now on Bandcamp

Photo of Marian Call by Annie Bartholomew.
Photo of Marian Call by Annie Bartholomew.
Photos by Annie Bartholomew

Read all about the new record Swears! — and its all-ages-friendly little sibling, Cuss! — on Marian Call’s Patreon. Buy the record today on Bandcamp along with new T-shirts!

New Songs from the Patreon…

Ghost ships and sled dogs! Check the Patreon album for Marian’s newest material.

Patreon supporters and the Donors’ Circle are helping to usher new music and videos into the world. All Patreon content is free to watch and listen to (learn more at So far over twenty new songs and films have been added to the playlist, with more coming out all the time.

The single “Resonance” is about Pluto and its five moons, dancing their own steps on the edge of the solar system. “Good Night Moon” is a song inspired by the 2017 solar eclipse. “The Piemaker” is a waltz about love and identity, drawn from the world of Pushing Daisies. “Time Traveler (she/her)” and “Time Traveler (they/them)” follow the evolution of possibilities for the latest Doctor. Stay tuned for more!

The long-awaited studio album Standing Stones has arrived, thanks to massive fan support from Kickstarter.  Find it on Bandcamp, iTunes, Spotify, Youtube, and wherever you enjoy music.

I wrote “Standing Stones” about the human need to scratch our symbols on the world.

When I was in school, I covered all my textbooks in brown paper bags and duct tape so I’d have a blank canvas for scribbling. Song lyrics in every corner, notes in every direction, doodles dividing and transecting every word.

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 Latest Originals and Cover Songs

Two-albumsFan favorites like “The Liberal Arts Degree Waltz,” “Space Weird Thing” with Molly Lewis, and “The Elements, Expanded” by Mike Selinker are now available on the collection Fun Singles in Your Area.

A bevy of new cover songs are loosed upon the world with Marian Call Sings the Classics, vol. II, including fan-requested covers of They Might Be Giants, the Muppets, Monty Python, Schoolhouse Rock, and Joni Mitchell, among many others.  An intimate jazz combo setting of “Pure Imagination” joined the cover song lineup in December 2017.




