This blog originally posted at
BOOTH 1320 BOOTH 1320 BOOTH 1320
Why, whatever will Marian be doing at SDCC? Well I’ll tell you!
I am having a big concert on Friday night, like I do every year, sponsored by the San Diego Space Society. But this year Molly and the Doubleclicks will join me! It will be big and awesome! Details are here or else here on Facebook.
NINJA GIG: I will also be findable singing and signing (NINJA SINGING) at the CA Browncoat Booth (A7/A8), Saturday at noon. There will be singing until they shut us down. Bring your Jayne hats!
BOOTH TIMES: My stuff and I live at booth 1320. My new live CD and Something Fierce and everything!
BOOTH 1320
So remember that number! I’ll be there Thursday from noon to 4pm, Friday from 11 to 3pm, and Saturday from 12pm to close 4pm [updated]! No hours Sunday, sorry, I will be back in Seattle! Hopefully those signing times will stay the same, but if they change, I’ll change them here and at
NEW STUFFS: My new Live Album will be at my booth with me!!! And I will be continuing The Postcard Tour by writing a bunch of postcards for a bunch of you! We’ve had a bunch of these cute postcards printed, and you can buy them, or you can get one free with a CD purchase, and if I’m there, I’ll not only sign it, I’ll write you a whole postcard from me! I like doing that. So come by the booth! 1320 1320 1320 1320
I also have a giveaway for the first person who comes to the booth and specifically asks me for it: the last available necklaces IN EXISTENCE from the MCEAQ fundraiser. That is, unless someone else is selling theirs on eBay. So come to 1320, ask for the goodie, and you’ll be the recipient! (Not available preview night. Open floor hours only.)
A bunch of you have asked for NEW POSTERS, so I’ve printed my great Postcard Tour Posters made by Patrick Race from Alaska Robotics! They will be available for $10 at the booth. I am also happy to ship them to folks on the Internetz who want them, but I might wait to do that until after SDCC when things have calmed down a tiny bit. And I’m happy to sign and personalize them and draw a little doodle or something for you during my booth hours!
So come and visit — I’ll see you guys on the Con Floor, feet aching, exhausted, tweeting up a storm. Can’t wait!
The new poster, with a bunch of room for signing and writing something nice: