Tag Archives: bateman horne center

A Special Concert in Petaluma, CA for ME/CFS

Marian Call in concert in Petaluma, CA, Sat. Oct. 5th at 8pm. Click for tickets

I’m playing a concert this fall that means a great deal to me, and I hope you’ll join me up in glorious Petaluma, CA. This theater will be simply magical and it’s a truly worthy cause – it’s worth the drive north! (Facebook Event / Tickets)

I have friends and loved ones who have suffered from ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome). If you know someone who experiences chronic pain or fatigue too, I hope you will share the word about this event. If you’re far from Petaluma, you’re invited to DONATE to one of the respected research and advocacy organizations linked below.

The song “Anchorage” is a theme for this concert. If you’ve never read into the subtext of that song, it’s about experiencing fear and disease, reconciling with the body, and choosing mindfulness, awareness, and song in the face of pain.

ME/CFS afflicts nearly 2 million people in the United States; it can severely limit people’s abilities with chronic pain and exhaustion, yet funds for research are scarce and public awareness of the condition remains very low. As a part of this concert, brief talks will be given by speakers from three highly-regarded national ME/CFS organizations: Bateman Horne Center, Solve ME/CFS Initiative and Open Medicine Foundation.

Join me in Petaluma, or tell a friend in the Bay Area to be there. We’ll sing together through the night.

“Reel me in to the places we knew our own faces / over wine, over coffee and beer – / and anchor me, anchor me, anchor me, anchor me here.”

DONATE to the Solve ME/CFS Initiative: https://solvecfs.org/donate/

DONATE to the Open Medicine Foundation: https://www.omf.ngo/2019/10/02/marian-call/

DONATE to the Bateman Horne Center: http://batemanhornecenter.org/donate/