Tag Archives: Music

The Great 2016 UK Mixtape

Hello, friends on the British Isles —

I am on a fantastic spring tour, currently enjoying green fields full of sheep on a bumpy train. I’ll be playing Bath, Birmingham, Manchester, London, and Cambridge this week.

I brought tons of CD’s from across the ocean for you, they were so very heavy getting on and off of trains, but they have nearly all been bought over on the continent!!!  And I’d hate to have you miss out on a signed CD from far far away…




I have been making mixtapes for my friends since I could illegally record songs off the radio as a kid.  And this mixtape is not even illegal because it’s all songs I wrote & own and stuff!  If you pick up the UK Mixtape at a show, here is the track list and links to credits:

  1. “Whistle While You Wait” from Something Fierce, guitars by Scott Barkan and Jordan Shindle, cello by Ellen Kilcup
  2. “Elementary” from Sketchbook, guitar by Seth Boyer
  3. “Dear Mister Darcy” from Something Fierce, lengthy credits at the album link
  4. “Paper and Pen” from Sketchbook, guitar by Seth Boyer
  5. “Good Morning Moon” from Something Fierce, lengthy credits at the album link
  6. “I’ll Still Be a Geek After Nobody Thinks It’s Chic (The Nerd Anthem)” from Live in Europe, Scott Barkan on guitar
  7. “The Liberal Arts Degree Waltz” from Fun Singles in Your Area, Paul Pew on piano
  8. “I Hope My Discipline Improves in Time” from Sketchbook, guitar by Scott Barkan
  9. “Dark Dark Eyes” from Live in Europe, Scott Barkan on guitar
  10. “The Avocado Song” from Something Fierce, guitar by Scott Barkan, harmonica by David George Gordon
  11. “Temporal Dominoes” from Something Fierce, lengthy credits at the album link
  12. “Hope” from Sketchbook, guitar by Seth Boyer

You can hear lots more music, including the albums that contain these songs, at the best little indie music website in the world Bandcamp.com. I’m at http://mariancall.bandcamp.com.  You can find Scott Barkan’s original music at https://scottbarkan.bandcamp.com.

Enjoy this mixtape and feel free to rip it, burn it, spread it around — and if you like it, tip us, get on the mailing list, or buy another album!

Crossing the Ocean for You


EUROPE AND THE UK – March / April 2016

Hello my dear Adventure Questing companions!  I’m crossing the sea to play concerts for my friends abroad!  Spring tour dates:

March 6 NEW YORK – The Sidewalk Cafe, 94 Avenue A. 7pm, $10-15 artist donation
March 17 AMSTERDAM – ‘Skek, 21:00, free/€10-15 donation
March 18 ROTTERDAM – Impacthub Rotterdam (open office concert) .. Continue reading

Good Old Girl

****Update: woohooo! We did it!  Read more at the bottom!****

Hi friends — this is a blog post just for those of you who know me well and love me still.  If you don’t know my work or my music or my community very well, then you should maybe start somewhere else and don’t worry about this post. This post is for the veteran fans, the enthusiasts.

This Is A Long Drive.Hello all. This is my fall tour.  Portland to Portland and back again.  It is a long way, and I am excited to drive it, but also my car and I are getting a little bit older. Aren’t we all! And my car decided it was time to ask for some help.  And that made me decide that maybe I should ask you guys for some help.

I’m proud of my Subaru Forester. She’s my Good Old Girl.  I’ve driven her 115,000 miles through 49 states and Canada in a very short time — she’s 185,000 miles young.  And I’ve had only a few major repairs. She’s the only piece of property I truly own — I paid her off just this spring.

I gave my trusty car a thorough checkup before setting out, like I always do, and **thankfully** we found a number of things that needed fixing.  I say “thankfully” because Good old girl.I very much hope that we found it all now, in advance, and because the price tag was $1000 or so less than we briefly thought. So I am trying to be thankful.  Thankful in the face of Substantial Subaru Subsidies.  It’s not that hard when I think of how far we’ve come together and what a good car she’s been.

The final repair bill was in the neighborhood of $1500 plus a $150 car rental. We had to do the timing belt and drive belts and some pumps, plus a wheel bearing and a second-opinion inspection that I’m very glad we did.

$1650 is not a lot for some of you, but it’s really a lot for me. Sometimes I can absorb that, but this time around I couldn’t, so it’s all going on the Credit Card of Death. (I considered not doing some of the repairs, but right after this trip I had hoped to sell my Good Old Girl — to my Mom. And failing to repair a car that you’re selling to your Mom is how you get a premium platinum membership to H-E-Doublehockeysticks.)

So I’m asking for a little help.  Not because I’m the best cause out there (I’m not) or because it’s truly critical (it’s not).  If you only have $10 to give to charity this month, you should maybe choose something else more crucial.*** (See note below!)

But a lot of you have already told me that you want to know about this, and that you want to assist. Thank you.

Here’s how to help:

Before I even asked some of you jumped in, and together you’ve contributed over $600, so we’re well on our way!

Subaru loveI don’t have the time or space to create a rewards system or set up a fancy fundraiser website, so this is lo-fi, it’s bootleg, it’s simple.  I don’t want to make a ton of noise about this, because I’ll probably have to do a big fundraiser in spring and I try very hard not to ask too often.  If you opt to help me cover the cost of my car repairs, you won’t get a shiny new toy — your reward is that I will be starting my tour in the same-old-amount of Crushing Debt rather than tons-and-tons-more Crushing Debt.  And that’s something.  If that sounds like a reward to you — if you like my music a lot and hope I can someday make music without all the Crushing Debt — then you should join the effort.

Fundraising is my least favorite part of being an independent musician but it has been part of nearly every artist’s life forever.  So thank you for your support — thank you for your patience — thank you for asking me if you can help, even before I have asked you.  You guys are amazing.  You’re the best.  And I hope I get to visit you on tour or play a concert for you online very very soon.  I’ll drive til I’m numb, I’ll travel all I can, I’ll work my butt off to bring you art because I believe in the power of art. You guys have always met me there, and I thank you. Unceasingly.

Love from the road —

Marian Call

*******Update! You guys are incredible — you funded me all the way in just a few minutes! Thank you!  I’ll be making a contribution from some of the excess to one of these good causes, to show my gratitude: “If you only have $10 to give to charity this month, you should maybe choose something else more crucial.” They range from shark conservation to artists (yes, my Mom, no shame, she needs & deserves it) to ebola to red cross to microlending to net neutrality.  If you got here after the fundraising was completed, do consider one of these causes instead for a tip! Or go tip another artist who could use a lift!  Almost no feeling is as good as the feeling of helping someone else.  Go get that feeling.

If you’re super into helping *me* specifically after this short read, then you should tell all your friends about my fall tour, or sign up for my email list so you don’t miss shows near you, or post a blog or a tumbl or an Amazon review or a whatever about one of my albums, or give some songs to a friend, or just go listen to my music and enjoy it.

Thank you a million times over!******

Photo on 9-17-14 at 6.54 PM #4

Portland to Portland Tour

Marian Call traverses the north from Portland, OR to Portland, ME and back again, with more than 40 shows spanning the continent! More specifics at https://mariancall.com/shows/, and Facebook events to share at https://www.facebook.com/mariancallmusic?sk=events.  Want to catch a future show near you? You really must be on the mailing list, dahling.  Here are some of the first and last show details for the tour:

  • Portland OR – Sept. 12 at XOXO
  • Portland ME – Oct. 9 at Casablanca Comics 7pm
  • Boulder CO – ‘Songs Under the Stars’ Oct. 29 at Fiske Planetarium 7pm
  • Colorado Springs CO – Oct. 30, Muse Comics & Games 7pm
  • Denver CO – Oct. 31 Halloween concert at a secret laboratory, RSVP: sheriskaggs@earthlink.net
  • Denver CO – Nov. 1 Day of the Dead concert, Skylite Station 7:30pm
  • Salt Lake City UT – Nov. 2 at Bar Deluxe, 8pm, 21+
  • Bend, OR – Nov. 5 house concert, RSVP to elise@elisemichaelsmedia.com
  • Portland, OR – Nov. 8, Tour Celebration Party! Slide Inn 7-9pm, RSVP to rsvp@mariancall.com
  • Seattle, WA – Nov. 12, North City Bistro 7:30pm

Details about all upcoming shows are at https://mariancall.com/shows/ and https://www.facebook.com/mariancallmusic?sk=events. Details will also arrive in your inbox via the mailing list — make sure you’re on it, with both email and zip code!

O Comic-Con

Marian Call at w00tstock 6.0, premiering the new Comic-Con anthem co-written with Patrick Race. See the rest of her set at w00tstock here!

If you’re at Comic-Con, Marian can be found at booth 1134 (the hellbooth, since 1134 is hEll upside-down) or else playing ninja gigs at the Browncoat Booth (A7/A8) and out back by the taco truck. Continue reading

Marian Call Sings the Classics, vol. I

Marian Call Sings the Classics, vol. INew Album: Marian Call Sings the Classics, vol. I

Announcing a new collection of cover songs by Marian Call!  The first of two volumes, this record was a Kickstarter stretch goal, and has launched as of July 28th, 2014.  Order now from Bandcamp! Songs include:

  • The Reading Rainbow theme song
  • The Elements (Tom Lehrer)
  • Yakko’s Universe (The Animaniacs)
  • Particle Man – Live at CERN (They Might Be Giants)
  • Homeward Bound (Simon & Garfunkel)
  • Blackbird (The Beatles)
  • Movin’ Right Along (The Muppet Movie)
  • All of Me

San Diego Geek Girls Concert 2014


Join Marian Call for her annual offsite SDCC Geek Girl Concert!  This year she’ll share the stage with Molly Lewis, and the fabulous Sarah Donner plays an opening set. RSVP to reserve a seat — space is limited!  Update: a few seats are still available, but RSVP’s are closed.  About 15 seats will be available on a first-come first-serve basis — they’ll be released at 6:30pm — and standing room will be available after that.
Continue reading


Sketchbook album coverAnnouncing a homebaked CD from the road: Sketchbook. 

Original songs available now on CD or to stream or purchase on Bandcamp.com.

“This album is very much a scrawled checklist of what’s been on my mind:  time, birds, lightning, hope.  Each song is self-contained and focused…deep like diving.”

Read more on Marian’s blog…

Paste Magazine Gives a Nod to Marian Call

Paste Magazine LogoPaste Magazine has turned their gaze North, and Marian Call made their list of Nine Alaska Acts You Should Listen to Now


The Postcard Tour!

Postcard Tour Illustration by Patrick Race, http://alaskarobotics.com Postcard_Poster_MCTitleIn 2013 singer-songwriter Marian Call has been in the U.S., Canada, and Europe, creating a grand pen pal exchange at every concert around the globe.  Still to come: shows in Anchorage and Juneau.  Show dates are here – come to a concert!  Or read more about the Postcard Tour here.