Tag Archives: simpsons

SDCC 2016 Highlights

Highlights from San Diego Comic-Con


Marian shares:  Comic-Con was wild and wonderful again this year – and beyond all the hype, it’s still brimming with the energy of artists and creative minds all there to play.  This year I got to present my own variety show with all the things I like in it:  songs by Seth Boyer, comedy by Joseph Scrimshaw, staged radio drama by Josh A. Cagan & Kayla Cagan, unintentionally hilarious history by David Malki, tragic fiction and hilarious space harmony jingles with Nicole Dieker.  To top it all off we had an interview with two of my favorite Martians, Kim Maxwell and Scott Maxwell, who have sent a little robot to a faraway planet for adventures.

For me the cherry on top was appearing as a guest at w00tstock 8.0, a night of fun and cleverness and madness.  I love w00tstock because I never know whether I’ll wind up singing the Elements with Mike Selinker – or “Shake it Off” with Wil Wheaton – or sea shanties with Paul and Storm – or jazz standards accompanied on sousaphone by David Silverman.

But I’m up for anything. And Comic-Con always stretches what I mean when I say ‘anything.’